What to do When Your Senior Parent Falls
One day, you are visiting your mom at her house because you have not seen her in a while. You arrive at her house and walk in to see that she has fallen and is in pain. Panic starts to overwhelm your mind and body. You end up calling 911 and your mom received the…
Read MoreHow Music Can Help Dementia
Music is not only for fun and entertainment. It’s not just an art; it’s also food and medicine for the mind and body. It’s known to lift the spirits of those who are depressed and those who have lost hope. Continue reading to learn how music can help dementia! Music soothes the soul, improves focus,…
Read MoreContact Lens Storage Mistakes You Must Never Make
Contacts can give you the freedom to move quickly without thinking that your glasses might fall off. It is the reason why some sportspeople who are having vision problems prefer contacts over eyeglasses. Just like sports, contacts are the star players in a game. They take the most important role, and the fans love them!…
Read MoreFinancial Protection Tips for Alzheimer’s
Credit problems and identity issues can be difficult to guard against during the best of circumstances, but for someone with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease – a form of dementia that affects thinking, memory and behavior – preventing identity theft and maintaining good credit can seem impossible. Continue reading for tips for financial protection tips…
Read MoreHome Wheelchair Tips for Seniors
Many senior citizens struggle with mobility as they continue to age. One common solution to this issue is a wheelchair. Many seniors use wheelchairs to move around. In fact, older adults tend to lose their mobility as they age due to things like strokes, arthritis, and injuries from falls. Many misconceptions surrounding being wheelchair bound…
Read MoreCOPD Symptoms Guide
COPD Symptoms Guide on Awareness The heat of summer is not too far away. As the summer heat begins to get intense during July and August it may cause some safety problems. Senior could face difficulties staying cool and breathing during the hot summer months. COPD is a huge issue that some seniors may struggle…
Read MoreBudget-Friendly Senior Weight-Loss Program
It sometimes seems like the older you get, the harder it is to keep off extra inches and pounds. Yet, it’s just as important, if not more so, for seniors to maintain a healthy weight. Thankfully, there are a few smart, simple, and inexpensive strategies to help you do just that, create a budget-friendly senior…
Read MoreTips for Organizing a Storage Unit
Not having an organized storage container can cause a lot of issues, especially when trying to find something. Here are expert tips for organizing a storage unit. Storage units provide an easy and convenient solution for those in need of temporary or long-term storage. Whether you are moving, renovating, or just organizing your home, a storage…
Read MoreTips for Caregiver Success
Today, so many of you are waking up as #NewCaregivers due to COVID-19. Maybe the place for Mom living at a care facility was the right decision at one time, but now there are second thoughts about that and now she’s moving in with you and your spouse. Just because we are in the midst…
Read MoreMultiple Sclerosis Tips
What is Multiple Sclerosis (MS)? Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease affecting the brain and spinal cord, meaning instead of the immune system in your body attacking bacteria and viruses, it attacks the body’s own tissue in the brain and spinal cord. Continue reading to learn our Multiple Sclerosis tips for your senior loved one.…
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