Technology That Helps Seniors

Grandma being the only member in the family to not have a smartphone is a thing of the past. Eighty percent of U.S. adults over the age of 65 currently own a cell phone and in that same group four out of ten own a smartphone, according to Pew Research Center. While seniors may not have traditionally been the target user for new technology, they are quickly becoming a key customer group for new technology products. In terms of technology for seniors, what new products can help your parents or grandparents with home care today? Continue reading to learn about different technology that helps seniors in Pittsburgh!

Top 4 Technology Items for Seniors

Amazon Alexa

Whether you have the Echo or the Dot, both products function the same way. Alexa is available to give reminders (which is great for seniors who may need medication reminders), provide information (the weather, the daily news, etc.), control home functions (lights, thermostats, plugs), act as an entertainment system (music, games) and act as a contact to reach family and friends when connected to your phone. Alexa is becoming quickly compatible with many new devices to make your life simpler, so the list of functions she can help provide is only growing. You can find Alexa on Amazon.

Grandpad (& other tablets)

The goal of many consumer technology products is to be as user friendly as possible, yet many fail in this objective, especially when it comes to technology for seniors. One product that IS user friendly for seniors is Grandpad. The name is exactly what it suggests: an iPad tailored for grandparents or those in the most “grand generation” as the branding suggests. It provides seniors the ability to connect with their close family and friends, see photos, listen to music, and play games all in a way that’s much simpler than the current tablets out on the market. Its specifically tailored to seniors’ needs. A companion app also exists for their loved ones to chat with the senior. Learn more about the Grandpad website.


As we age, a common thing that occurs is forgetfulness. To help combat this and potentially misplacing small important items like keys and phones, Tile exists. Tile helps track lost and misplaced items with the use of a smartphone and a tracking chip that has a battery life of a year (and can be replaced or charged after the year is over). Tile can be placed on keys, in a purse, or can be used to track a misplaced phone. The possibilities are endless as long as the item can have Tile attached to it. Learn more about Tile on their website.

Wellness Alert

To help give seniors and families peace of mind, Wellness Alert is made up of wireless sensors that monitors the behavior of senior in their home to determine if activity is out of the ordinary and may need attention. It will alert if it notices behavioral changes, without a button needing to be pushed. If the system senses that the senior has fallen, an automatic alert will be sent out. Additionally, Alert can automate certain functions in the home like thermostats, lights, and locks. If your senior loved one may need extra care, Alert can help monitor them to identify when and how they need help to remain independent at home. Learn more about Wellness Alert, visit their website.