What is Aid and Attendance?
A program that offers a cash payment for non-reimbursed medical expenses for veterans and their spouse or widow in a monthly amount not exceeding $2,169 (indexed for inflation). This benefit relates to disabilities unrelated to service, which is helpful as the individual ages and needs assistance.
Requirements for Aid:
- 90 days of active service with at least one day of service during a wartime period
- Cannot have dishonorable discharge
- Primary care physician qualifies you for needing assistance with 2 ADLs (Activities of Daily Living) OR supervision due to cognitive or physical limitations
- Three-year look-back for transfers
- Income reducible by out-of-pocket medical expenses
- Asset limit: currently $127,061
Current Maximum Benefits for 2019:
Veteran with no dependents ………........................………..$1,881/month; $22,577/year
Married Veteran…………………………........................….…$2,230/month; $26,766/year
Widow of a Veteran with no dependents...........................…$1,209/month; $14,509/year
Healthy Veteran with ill spouse……….....................……..…$1,447/month; $17,724/year

What is the 3-year look-back period?
The VA is now imposing a 36 month look-back-period in which the VA “looks back” on all asset transfers made for less than they were worth. In other words, if you transfer assets for less than fair market value during that period, you may be subject to a penalty for up to 5 years. You will not be eligible for pension benefits during that time.
For more information on benefits, visit:
The National VA: www.va.gov/
Pennsylvania's DMVA: 1-800-547-2838 or www.veterans.pa.gov
Persian Gulf Conflict Veterans' Benefit Program: www.persiangulfbonus.state.pa.us
Veterans/National Service Organizations
All are located at the Federal Building except county offices
- PA Dept of Military & Veterans Affairs: 412-395-6264
- Adjutant General’s Office: 412-395-6225
- American Legion: 412-395-6230
- American Veterans (AMVETS): 412-395-6248
- Disabled American Veterans (DAV): 412-395-6241
- Military Order of the Purple Heart: 412-395-6250
- Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA): 412-395-6254
- Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW): 412-395-6259
- West Virginia Veterans: 412-395-6262 | 304-238-1085
- County VSOs: Westmoreland: 724-830-3530 | Allegheny: 412-621-4357 | Fayette: 724-430-1241
Do you need care?
Reach out to us and we will give you a call within 24 hours.