What is the Homemaker Program?
A homemaker is a trained caregiver who will come into a veteran’s home and help with the veteran's activities of daily living (ADL's). Homemakers are not nurses; however, they are supervised by a registered nurse who will help to assess a veteran’s daily living needs.
This program is very beneficial for veterans who need skilled services, case management, and help with activities like bathing, dressing, meal preparation, transportation, and other ADL's. The program can also be used in combination with other home services. All enrolled veterans are eligible for the homemaker program if they meet the clinical need for service. First, the veteran needs to apply to be enrolled in the program. If accepted into the program, he or she can contact a VA-approved home care agency to get a caregiver in their home.
How do I decide what services best fit my needs?
The VA provides a few tools to help veterans determine what what long-term care services that best fit their needs. Two helpful tools include the Shared Decision Making Worksheet and the Caregiver Self-Assessment. Veterans can also ask physicians or other primary care providers about the veterans’ medical needs. Important questions to consider are:
- How much assistance do I need for my ADL's?
- What are my caregiver's needs?
- How much independence and privacy do I want?
- What sort of social interactions are important to me?
- How much can I afford to pay for care each month?
For more information on benefits, visit:
The National VA: www.va.gov/
Pennsylvania's DMVA: 1-800-547-2838 or www.veterans.pa.gov
Persian Gulf Conflict Veterans' Benefit Program: www.persiangulfbonus.state.pa.us

Do you need care?
Reach out to us and we will give you a call within 24 hours.